Life is funny sometimes when things like “vinyl upholstery” or “vinyl siding” or “vinyl fabric” are so commonly talked about, so readily understood, that people actually don’t know what, exactly, the fabric is made of. Where does vinyl come from? We use marine vinyl’s, automotive vinyl, and vinyl upholstery, vinyl flooring, and vinyl siding in our daily lives all the time. So this blog from All Vinyl Fabrics will tell you what vinyl is made out of and where it comes from.
Likely the reason that people don’t know what vinyl is because it is a synthetic, man-made material. It isn’t like cotton—from a plant, leather—from a cow, or hemp—from a plant. This is something that doesn’t occur in nature, so all we really see is the finished product in our automotive vinyl and marine vinyl, for instance. Vinyl is a type of plastic, in fact. IT is made of ethylene and chlorine, or from parts of crude oil and salt, where these chemicals can be derived from. In the reaction that occurs between ethylene and chlorine, Polyvinyl Chloride is formed, or PVC resin. This is what we have reduced to simply “vinyl,” and then remade into the specifics of automotive vinyl, vinyl upholstery, and marine vinyl.
Vinyl is a very adaptable material that can be made into any color and can hold designs that are complex and detailed, because the fabric’s surface is smooth and plain. Vinyl becomes, therefore, a versatile and desirable product for protecting items from stains and dirt, it is inexpensive, and it still has a good look to it. It is cheap without looking too cheap.
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